Plant Trees SF Events 2011 Archive: 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024


1.   Save the Bay looking for Restoration Projects Team Leader
2.   Public meetings on Dog Management Plan/DEIS for GGNRA
3.   Friends of 5 Creeks events:  Shoreline walk for ages 50+/Panel on Sudden Oak Death March 7
4.   An opportunity to give the coup de grace to shark fin soup
5.   The Bay Area Puma Project March 10, Randall Museum
6.   Ten things you can do to save life's diversity
7.   News from the state Capitol:  The elephant in the room - water
8.   80th Anniversary of the Animal Damage Control Act - no celebration for wildlife
9.   Endangered species killed at Sharp Park Golf Course
10. 8th annual San Francisco Ocean Film Festival March 9-13
11. Registration open for Pt Reyes Birding and Nature Festival
12. Acterra Environmental Library: Encyclopedia of Weather and Climate Change: Complete Visual Guide
13. Feedback
14. California Assemblyman pushes amnesty referendum
15. Imagine a world without clouds....every child a born naturalist
16. Help Center for Biological Diversity/young fox climbs to 71st story of London building under construction
17. Thinkwalks
18. Researcher says forests will bounce back from beetle attacks - eventually
19. SF Rec-Park Commission meeting schedule - you can register your opinion
20. Glen Canyon Park revisioning
21.  Can geoengineering save the world from climate warming?/amateur cartographers map local food "deserts"
22.  Attracting Native Pollinators, seed store, and bumble bee garden kits from Xerces Society
23.  The Nature Study Movement: The Forgotten Popularizer of America's Conservation Ethic
24.  Beating up on financial analysts and economists - again

John Ruskin:  “All art is either instruction or infection.”  The Greeks realized that what one thinks is often an outgrowth of what he sees and hears."

1.  Part-Time Restoration Projects Team Leader, Community-based Restoration Program
Save The Bay’s Community-based Restoration Program seeks an energetic part-time Restoration Project  Team Leader to lead community-based restoration programs for middle and high school students, community and corporate groups, and Bay Area residents.  This position reports to the Community-based Restoration Program Manager.  Position begins immediately and is open until filled.
To apply for the Part-time Restoration Project Leader, please send resume and cover letter to, or:
Save The Bay
Attn: Jim Bender, Restoration Program Manager
350 Frank Ogawa Plaza, Suite 900
Oakland, CA  94612


2.  Reminder: public meetings on Dog Management Plan/DEIS

Those who value our national parks and understand why national parks were created are needed to inform themselves of the issues and to articulate their concerns to the National Park Service.  NPS is always under pressure from militant off-leash dog advocates and other single-issue people, and they will be out in force as always.

Saturday, March 5
San Francisco State University
Seven Hills Conference Center
State Drive
San Francisco, 94132
11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Monday, March 7
Fort Mason Center
Building A
Marina Boulevard at Buchanan
San Francisco, CA 94123
4:00 - 8:00 p.m.

Wednesday, March 9
Cabrillo School
601 Crespi Drive
Pacifica, CA 94044
4:00 - 8:00 p.m.


3.  Friends of 5 Creeks events:

Shoreline walk for ages 50+, 9-11 AM Thurs., Mar. 10
Walkers age 50+ are welcome to our March walk in our series exploring local nature, co-sponsored with Albany Senior Center. We'll meet at Sea Breeze Deli, 598 University, Berkeley (AC Transit 51B) for a shoreline walk enjoying San Francisco Bay's bird life. Dress in layers for all weather. Bring binoculars if you have them. Free, but please register with Albany Senior Center, 510 524 9122.

Panel on Sudden Oak Death in the East Bay, 7 PM Mon., Mar. 7

Albany Community Center, 1249 Marin, as two UC experts speak on "Sudden Oak Death in the East Bay -- Where is it? What can we do?" 

Dr. Brice McPherson, UC Berkeley forestry specialist, will explain how the disease that threatens California’s oak woodlands is spreading locally. Dr. Matteo Garbelotto, plant scientist and pathogen expert at UC Berkeley, discusses progress in treatment and how citizens can help.

This panel is for professionals, home gardeners, and anyone interested in our local environment. Free, all welcome, refreshments. For information contact Friends of Five Creeks,, 510 848 9358.


From The Essential Tree by Gordy Slack, in Bay Nature, Oct-Dec 2003:

“Acorns may be California’s single greatest natural resource.  An oak tree can bear more than 400 pounds of acorns a year.  There are an estimated 1 billion oak trees in California.  That’s hundreds of millions of pounds of nutrient that serves as the staple for more kinds of creatures than any other food source in the state.  But the bulk of nutrients oaks churn out is only the beginning of their contribution.  Oak trees form the organizational backbone of numerous habitats from coastal valley bottoms to highland meadows, providing food, shelter, and stability for whole communities of organisms.  According to a 1997 University of California study, California’s oak woodlands harbor more biodiversity than any other major habitat type in the state:  At least 4,000 kinds of insects inhabit them, along with 2,000 kinds of plants, thousands of fungi and lichens, 170 different birds, 60 amphibians and reptiles, and 100 different mammals.”

“On the micro level there are the thousands of insect species that live on, in, or around oaks....the magnificent ornaments on...(the) oak branch were produced by a kind of Cynipid wasp that drils a hole into an oak leaf and deposits its eggs there.  As with all gall wasps, a salivary secretion from the newly hatched larva stimulates the production of plant tissue surrounding the larva, which provides it with food and shelter.  ‘What’s remarkable is that the tissue formed by the tree has very specific, and often very beautiful, characteristics that appear to be determined by the wasp.  Research shows that larval RNA is involved...’”

4.  Eric Mills:

See attached, from the 3/2/11 SAN FRANCISCO WEEKLY.

Make a few comments.  And the earlier you post, the more people likely to see them.

Please send those support letters for AB 376 ASAP.  The bill will be heard before the Assembly Water, Parks & Wildlife Committee sometime later this month.  Committee is chaired by Jared Huffman (D-San Rafael).  And Assemblymember Paul Fong (D-Cupertino), principal author of the bill, is also on the committee.  The sooner you get those letters in, the more likely you are to be listed on the committee analysis as a supporter of the legislation.

Letters to the SF WEEKLY:

Shark's Fin — Understanding the Political Soup
If you have trouble bringing up that story,, go to GOOGLE NEWS and type in "Shark's Fin--Understanding the Political Soup"


San Francisco Naturalist Society
Thursday, March 10
The Bay Area Puma Project (BAPP) is the first major study of pumas in the San Francisco Bay Area. The goal of this 10-year research and conservation program is to increase our understanding of local puma populations and their interactions with humans in order to facilitate a healthier co-existence between people and the natural world. BAPP's initial research study is currently underway in the Santa Cruz Mountains, where 10 pumas are being monitored using cutting-edge GPS/accelerometer collars. Local wild cat conservationist Zara McDonald, Founder and Executive Director of Felidae Conservation Fund, will give an engaging and inspiring presentation about Bay Area pumas and the work currently underway to study and protect them.
Randall Museum, 199 Museum Way, San Francisco CA 94114. 7:30-9 pm. For more information, go to or contact Patrick at or (415) 225-3830. Free and open to everyone.


"Study nature, love nature, stay close to nature.  It will never fail you."
Frank Lloyd Wright

Work on a preserve
Get outdoors and learn
Curb your cat
Think locally, act locally
Grow native plants
Don't buy endangered species products
Think about future generations
Restore local habitats
Breed (local) fish
Value wildlife and wilderness

Excerpted from an article compiled by William Stolzenburg, in Nature Conservancy V. 46, #4 (July/August 1996)


7.  Planning & Conservation League - News from the Capitol

Teachers, firefighters and police officers know what the economy is doing to the vital services they provide. Our most vulnerable aged and disabled are literally feeling the pain of budget cuts; and everyday citizens are tightening their belts by multiple notches at a time. 

However, the water establishment is acting like it is immune to federal, State and local budget retractions. Somehow despite the Congressional push for deficit reduction, the State electorate’s distaste for more bond borrowing, and local revenue constraints in the forms of Proposition 219, Proposition 26, and growing ratepayer discomfort, are not getting through.

Bureaucrats from many of the largest water interests continue to propose tens of billions of dollars of spending from myriad of funding sources including, the federal treasury, State borrowing and increased water rates to pay for new facilities and related costs.  

Whether or not you agree with any of the specific projects being proposed, first you have to ask, what we can afford and what the highest priorities are for the next 5 to 10 years.   

A year ago PCL published “8 Affordable Water Solutions for California.” The publication identifies three key factors driving California water management: the financial crisis, the fisheries collapse and changing hydrology.  Followed by, identifying eight near-term solutions California can afford. Significant progress has been 

8.  80th Anniversary of the Animal Damage Control Act ~ No Celebration for Wildlife (excerpt)
By Camilla Fox, Executive Director, Project Coyote 
Published: March 3, 2011 HUFFINGTON POST

This week marks the 80th anniversary of passage of the Animal Control Damage Control Act (7 USC 426-426c). It is not a time of celebration for wildlife in the United States; it is an anniversary of mourning -- for each one of the millions of coyotes, foxes, wolves, bears, mountain lions, bobcats, badgers, Canada geese, cormorants, black birds and other animals labeled as "pests" who have been killed under this Act.

Passed in 1931, the Animal Damage Control Act authorized the Secretary of Agriculture to "conduct campaigns for the destruction or control" of animals considered threats to agriculture/ranching interests. Eighty years ago, this Act codified the federal government's involvement in predator control. Under this arcane law, government agents continue to trap, snare, poison, and shoot any animal that "may" harm livestock, aquaculture, or agricultural crops.

Under this Act, the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Wildlife Services (WS) program conducts its quiet, relentless war against North America's wildlife. In 2009 alone, WS killed more than 4 million animals in the United States including 115,000 mammalian carnivores; close to 90,000 were coyotes. Much of this killing takes place on public lands throughout the West.

United States citizens foot the bill for this carnage....

Read on Huffington Post here

made on three of them. These need to be completed and the remaining five need to tee up as funding allows.


9.  Compliance Plan Fails; Endangered Species Killed at Sharp Park Golf Course
In a heartbreaking and unnecessary tragedy, another California red-legged frog egg mass was killed by Sharp Park Golf Course this past week, despite the Wild Equity Institute's plea to authorities to save the egg mass from certain death.

After heavy winter rains inundated Sharp Park Golf Course in late February, the golf course pumped massive amounts of water out of Laguna Salada and Horse Stable Pond, two key breeding habitats for the California red-legged frog.  This drawdown jeopardized hundreds of egg masses, many of which had to be relocate on an emergency basis.

But a member found that some egg masses had been left behind.  We took frog experts to view the egg masses, and discovered that the water had been drained further, exposing an egg mass to the air.  WEI sent an emergency email and letter demanding that the egg mass be saved: but a week later the egg mass was still left on the shore of the pond, dried out and frozen.  Hundreds of eggs were lost. 
Read more about the dead egg mass at


10.  5 Days, 50 Films, 1 Ocean...Not Long Until Opening Night!

The 8th Annual San Francisco Ocean Film Festival, featuring more than 50 films from around the world, begins in just two weeks: March 9-13, 2011. 
Buy your tickets now and join us on a five-day journey, as we explore the beauty and the challenges facing the ocean, as seen through the eyes of the world’s most innovative filmmakers.  Experience exceptional films and learn more about the ocean, marine life as well how we as humans interact with it by protecting it, playing in it and study it.


11.  Registration is now open for the Point Reyes Birding and Nature Festival. 

More than 50 outings to see and enjoy birds, wildflowers, dragonflies, mammals, and native grasses.  April 29-May 2. Trips are filling fast: go to to sign up today.  Sponsored by Environmental Action Committee of West Marin.

12.  New Book Available in the Acterra Environmental Library: The Encyclopedia of Weather and Climate Change: A Complete Visual Guide (2010)

Snow at sea level? Flooding in Australia? What's up with the weather? To find out, check out this informative book that is packed with color photographs and up-to-date information that is easy to understand (junior high school level and up).

For more information about the Acterra Environmental Library and to search our catalog, please visit ourEnvironmental Library webpage.

[Want to donate your environmental books and DVDs to the library? Contact us!]


13.  Feedback

Louise Lacey:
> When I was an early teenager I read Mencken's IN DEFENSE OF WOMEN, and that sent me into a love/hate with him. I remember sending his book against the wall, but went back to finish reading it. It was my last message from the universe to become a writer.

Alane Weber:
> What I was trying to say is that, whilst giggling over item #20 (because I know most people would think this a crazy detail) I completely agree with you and I want to join your vision of a world where folks are not allowed to abuse trees;  a land where their beauty is contemplated on and mentored with to express the inherent gorgeous beauty of nature.  Sadly, I also wish people and animals were treated this way as well - thoughtful development and conscious mentoring....
Original item:  
> Arguably the most beautiful tree in San Francisco is at 571 Spruce Street, just south of the Laurel Hill shopping center on California Street.  It is an artfully-shaped Japanese black pine pruned in a Niwaki style.  There are two of them at this address, and, in my peregrinations around the city, I make a point of including them in my itinerary.  The Japanese lady who does this work knows what she's doing.
> (Its beauty is felt all the more keenly when you look at the state of our street trees, where the standard is neglect, maiming, vandalism, butchery.  When I am dictator 3/4 of the street tree owners will be given the choice of taking classes in pruning, including classes in how to awaken their natural aesthetic instincts--or be executed.  The quality of life should improve considerably.  JS)

Alice Polesky:
> Hi Jake, Is it my imagination or are the mockingbirds disappearing from SF? Up to about three years ago, I used to hear several within a couple of blocks. We always had one in our yard or on our roof, singing like crazy all day (and sometimes at night). I could hear them anywhere in the City. Last year, I only heard one, once. This year, I haven't heard or seen (except for one silent juvenile) a single mocker. I miss them terribly.
> Now, the hummers have also vacated, and this is only in the past few months. Not only aren't they visiting the plants I planted for them on my sundeck, which are starting to bloom and used to draw them back several times a day, but I no longer see them hanging out in the trees, or flying around the back yards.
> And in the U.K., where Nick (he's English) and I spend a lot of time, the gorgeous blackbird's song is gone. I noticed that in the last two visits we made, both in September. What's going on?
> Are we killing them with our cell phones or satellite addictions? Say it ain't so.
> Does anyone have any data/research on this? Is anyone paying attention?
I haven't heard mockingbirds yet this year, but my recollection is they don't get going with singing until later in the spring.  Am I wrong?  They may yet keep you awake at night.

Hummers are still plentiful, in my experience.  That they haven't been visiting your sundeck is probably just because you took the trouble to make it attractive to them.  They treat me the same way; I planted Fuchsia 'Fanfare' as a nectar source for them, but the ungrateful little wretches won't visit them when my oak tree is afire with bazillions of red flowers, looking like 4th of July fireworks--as they are right now.  No, they wait until the dry summer, when flowers are few--then they start visiting them.  The little f____s.  A pox on them.

I wouldn't jump to speculating about cell phones without reason.  There are many known negative factors imperiling wildlife, and we have seen very great changes in the city and elsewhere in recent years and decades.  Some of the reasons--eg, the white-crowned sparrow and quail--we pretty much know why they are not plentiful now.  Look to the many other possible/probable sources of their decline before speculating about cell phones/satellites.
> Thanks, Jake. I was only speculating about cell phones -- I have no idea what's going on. As for mockers, I've heard them start as early as November, but generally it's more like December or January. Nor did I hear any at all last year, at any time, anywhere, except once.
> I agree about hummers being cruel, but the only time they stop frequenting my sundeck is when the trumpet vine in the next door yard is in flower, and even then, they do come by occasionally, to vary their diet. They even come by when my sundeck has nothing but a few paltry lavender flowers. I wouldn't say the hummer-friendly plants are as richly in bloom as yours seem to be, but then, there are more blooms than before, and nothing in the neighboring yards to give them nourishment -- at least as far as I can see. And I don't even see them on the trees, patrolling the yards anymore.
> But I'm glad they're still plentiful in your experience -- maybe something has changed in my particular locality that made a difference.

Rob Bakewell:
> Hi Jake, Mr. Yee claims a 100 % approval rating from the Sierra Club.   Wow !  Now he's running for Mayor of SF and has the endorsement of the building trade unions.  Jeepers.
Rob:  The Sierra Club SF Bay Chapter and the SF Group of that chapter has a peculiar way of drawing up endorsements for political candidates.  (To be fair, endorsements can be very difficult and tricky processes, not necessarily as easy as people think they are.)  

Exhibit A:  The 2003 mayoral race, in which Matt Gonzalez, who met behind closed doors in his office with the off-leash dog advocates to load the Natural Areas Program Citizens Advisory Committee (which reported to the Board, not the Rec-Park Dept!!) with people who wanted to destroy the Natural Areas Program.  The NAP can arguably be regarded as the single most important environmental issue in the city.  Who did the Sierra Club endorse?  Matt Gonzalez--and with an A+.

Ed Lehmann:
> Hello, once more, Jakob:
>     I wonder, and have for Years, what happened to the California 3D, scale, Model of California that was in the 'Old' Ferry Bldg.?! It was, as I remember, at least, 30+ Ft. long, and very detailed. The 'Mineral Exhibit' has been 'moved' to the Mariposa 'Fair grounds'! I have visited it, and it is in a smaller space, but a 'decent' representation. I have no Info. on the 'Model'! The Ferry Bldg. is lovely, but.
>     Further; I wonder if you are aware that there 'were'  Mosaics on the 'Underside' of the Dome of the Palace of Fine Arts?! They are no longer there. I have some Nighttime Photos of them; if you would care to see them! A couple of friends and I 'snuck in' through the Fence on a quiet Night, laid on our backs, and shot away!
>     Keep-up the good work, and keep 'their' feet to the Fires of public opinion.


14.  California Assemblyman Mendoza pushes amnesty referendum with AB 78!

Assemblymember Tony Mendoza (D-Norwalk) wants to put an advisory referendum on the ballot to support amnesty for illegal aliens. AB 78 would ask, "Shall the President and the Congress of the United States of America create a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants…?"

Since most Americans want less immigration, not more immigration—and certainly not an amnesty for lawbreakers—we usually like the idea of letting the voters decide. However, the language of this proposed referendum is exceedingly dishonest in an attempt to compel a yes vote. Not only does it lump legal and illegal immigrants together, but it does not even use the word illegal.

CLICK HERE to learn more and to take action!

Fast Fact: Approximately 27 percent of inmates in U.S. Bureau of Prisons custody are non-U.S. citizens, according to BOP estimates.


15.  "Imagine a world without clouds—nothing but clear blue sky from horizon to horizon, 365 days a year.  What a monotonous world it would be, bereft of the imagery of billowing castles, dragons, and winged steeds, deprived of the drama of motion and shadow, innocent of the expectancy and foreboding that cloud changes arouse in the human spirit." Bette Roda Anderson, Weather in the West

Every child is born a naturalist. His eyes are, by nature, open to the glories of the stars, the beauty of the flowers, and the mystery of life.    
—R. Search


16.  Help the Center for Biological Diversity Save Species -- Vote for Us Now

Here's an easy way to help earn money for the Center for Biological Diversity: the free click of a button.

Each year, the philanthropy-minded company Working Assets and its CREDO Mobile branch donate a portion of their members' charges to a select group of progressive organizations like ours. We're excited to be on the ballot, but the amount of money we receive at the end of the year will depend on how many of you vote for us. If you're not a Working Assets or CREDO customer, all you have to do is sign up as a CREDO action member, which lets you take online action with CREDO on important environmental problems and other issues. Then you can go to the Working Assets voting page and assign maximum points to the Center. It's easy, quick and very helpful to our cause of saving species, from the great polar bear to the tiny Miami blue butterfly.

Please support us -- sign up and vote here now. Then tell your friends to do the same.

Wild and Weird: Baby Fox Ascends Britain's Tallest Building

A tiny fox recently towered over all of London. Last week, a fox cub was found at the very top of Britain's tallest building, the 945-foot Shard tower (still under construction). Estimated at only six months old, the courageous canine had apparently been living up there for at least two weeks on scraps of food left by workers. Officials figure the fox must have had to climb 71 flights of stairs -- plus one old-fashioned ladder -- to reach its sky-scraping perch.

Eventually, it was caught (lured by chicken carcasses) and brought to an animal sanctuary, later to be released.

Get more from MSNBC.


17.  Thinkwalks

Hey thinker, tell your friends about the thinkwalks tours offered this Sunday and next. And you are your own best friend. The March 13 tour is a fundraiser for WalkSF, promoting pedestrian priorities. We're all pedestrians sometimes.

Don't be scared off where there's a chance of rain. In fact, you can learn how I predict weather to the minute, allowing walks to happen between storms even on rainy days.

Also, check out the new ways to stay in touch by clicking SUBSCRIBE on the Thinkwalks site. Let me know if you want off the email list. I don't want you receiving emails just to be polite and then ignoring them.   Joel
Sunday March 6 Water Walking at 10:30 (3 & 1/2 hours)
Sunday March 13 Watershed tour from Laguna Honda to the Park (2 hours)
see link for details!
Joel Pomerantz


18.  Forest Service Employees for Environmental Ethics

Obama threatens to shatter political peace in the forest – Register-Guard
            Guest viewpoint by FSEEE’s executive director Andy Stahl.
Researcher: Forests will bounce back from beetles – Denver Post
            A forest scientist says that forests that have been attacked by bark beetles will eventually bounce back. But it may not happen in the lifetime of anyone alive today.
Former Forest Service Chief disappointed with budget moves – Public News Service
            Dale Bosworth is questioning budget decisions because he says the programs targeted for cuts are associated with things well-loved and appreciated by the public.


19.  Neighborhood Parks Council

Rec & Park Update: Feedback Desired on Commission Meeting Schedule

Setting the Board of Supervisors and Commission hearing schedule can be difficult when trying to ensure that there is robust public participation in our political process. At the February 17 Recreation and Park Commission meeting, President Mark Buell announced that the full Commission meeting would be changed to the third Thursday of the month at 10 am.

NPC and those in attendance commented that this may not be the most ideal time for those interested in the well being of our parks and open space to participate. Further, as reported in the 2010 Park User Survey, only 207 of the 1,443 respondents interact with the Commission and 77% of these 207 respondents say that they communicate with them via meetings. With this information, the Commission requested that we ask the NPC coalition for feedback on the topic.

Click here to answer two very quick questions about Commission meeting scheduling. It should only take a minute of your time!


20.  Glen Canyon Park revisioning

At the community workshop meeting held on February 24, 2011 (the third in a series of 6 meetings to come up with a park improvement plan), the design team presented conceptual design options based on what we've heard from you at previous meetings and focus groups.  The options are meant to generate discussion, and your feedback will be incorporated into a preferred option that will be presented in the next workshop.  
We want your feedback on the options!  We have posted images of the options on the Glen Canyon Park page of RecPark's website.  In giving feedback, focus on the components of each option.  Rather than selecting one option over another, evaluate the pros and cons of elements in each option, and remember that components of each option can be mixed and matched.  We have attached a document to this email (word and pdf) with questions that you can use to help structure your feedback.
Give us your comments by March 10!  The best way to give feedback is to email or phone project managers Karen Mauney-Brodek (, 415.575.5601 or Alejandra Chiesa (, 415.800.5303).  You can also mail written comments to The Trust for Public Land, Alejandra Chiesa, 101 Montgomery Street, Suite 1100, San Francisco, CA 94104.
For more information about the process, please visit
For updates and info, contact scott at planttrees dot org.